Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It finally happened. The music died yesterday. Yep. It's gone. No more. On the police report, it said this:


Pirate kids "stole" the music, mashed it up and used nine inch nails on it, pounded it to a cross and left it to die like a cold child's toy.

How come they couldn't understand: if it doesn't make money, it isn't music. Couldn't they see that? Some kids in a garage, students singing in the streets of Prague, that's not music. Music is Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. Music is what I say it is.

It was these kids, these pirate kids who killed the music. Because they didn't understand: We are the music! We are the music!

Skin Graft Records and

A (formerly) Chicago-based publisher of comics, zines and music started by Mark Fischer and Rob Syers. THIS IS NOT BRITNEY SPEARS!!! What are these kids doing!?!

Music-wise, Skingraft specializes in noise rock and the "no wave" or "now wave" music that makes big salaried music execs bang their heads on the wall.

The future will bring more about Skin Graft artists. But if you like noise rock and new music, check them out for yourself.


Anonymous said...

Good idea for a blog. I look forward to more.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, Mr. Ellis. I look forward to your viewership.

Samantha A. Marlow

Walter Lind said...

I brought paper flowers. Plastic is just wrong and real flowers turn into black ick. Paper flowers stand the greatest chance of transforming into other shapes and pieces, thereby recreating themselves according to the laws of atrophy, which is true creation.
Love the spirit of the site.
Art outside the commercial umbrella is where I look first for inspiration.
Walter Lind

Anonymous said...

Alex S. Ellis Says:

Fuckin' rad. My blog launch is so popular even fictional people are looking at it.

And I'm looking forward to the collaborative novella....
